Fish for 3.5 Gallon Tank Updated

Fish for 3.5 Gallon Tank

There are a surprising corporeality of options out there when it comes to the best fish for v gallon tanks. Even though aquariums of this size are too small-scale for many species, there are still plenty that can thrive!

This list will show you the best options available, and provide some helpful information well-nigh each. If you desire to learn more about a particular species on our list simply click the link to read their in-depth care guide.

Writer Note: While many of these fish can be kept in a 5 gallon tank, nosotros typically abet for a larger tank if possible. The extra size won't have up much more than room in your home, and will make a big difference on the overall health and happiness of your fish.

We created this list of the best fish for 5 gallon tanks primarily for aquarists who accept tank size or budget constraints. Merely if you can, give your fish a petty more room!

Betta Fish

Betta fish are the quintessential "Pocket-size Space" species. These fancy fish do not crave massive aquariums to stay healthy. In fact, they're used to shallow and cramped environments (which makes them one of the best fish for v gallon tanks).

Betta fish in a 5 gallon tank

Bettas are native to rice paddies in Southeast Asia. Their natural habitat is murky, difficult to navigate, and a piffling cramped.

On top of that, betta fish aren't very social. They're naturally aggressive and volition ordinarily choice fights with fish that interlope their domain. As a event, nigh aquarists choose to continue these fish on their ain.

As long as you have the essentials, bettas will do just fine. Despite their lax space requirements, this species is a real stunner. Their eye-popping jewel-tone colors and expansive fins pack a huge visual punch.

  • Size: three inches
  • Difficulty: Beginner

Guppy Fish

Guppies are 1 of the most well-known species in the aquarium community. Peachy for seasoned aquarists and novices alike; they aren't very demanding. Guppies can get by with very piddling space, thanks in large office to their tiny size.

Multiple guppy fish swimming together in a freshwater aquarium

These fish for v gallons tanks simply get to exist a hair over two inches at the largest. But don't let that fool you into thinking that guppies are dull or boring. Male guppy fish sport a fan-like tail filled with beautiful colors and patterns.

Fifty-fifty in a meaty aquarium, the fins are center-communicable. There are over 300 guppy varieties. Plus, they're all peaceful and community-friendly fish. House a couple in a small tank, and you can enjoy their playful demeanor without a vast space delivery.

  • Size: ii.four inches (max)
  • Difficulty: Beginner

Clown Killifish

Hailing from small streams in Westward Africa, the clown killifish is an interesting species. It doesn't fifty-fifty reach an inch and a half in length. Plus, they're used to shallow waters.

A very thin clown killifish

Despite their small stature, clown killifish are natural-built-in micro predators. They stick to the surface of the water to seek out insects and tiny microorganisms to swallow. These fish pay no attending to plants, just they do appreciate the cover they provide.

If y'all look closely, you'll discover that clown killifish are adorned with a lot of colors. The sprint-shaped body features stripes of black, subtle yellow accents, and some splashes of bright blue.

  • Size: 1.4 inches
  • Difficulty: Beginner-Intermediate

Neon Tetra

No word about the best fish for 5 gallon tanks is complete without mentioning the neon tetra! These brightly colored critters are incredibly popular. They're a schooling species that thrive in a community. As long equally they have others around them, they are happy!

Two neon tetra fish swimming together

Neon tetras accept a torpedo-shaped body. A long stripe of iridescent shimmering blue runs laterally along the trunk—meanwhile, a splash of red accents the tail.

Easy-going and docile, these types of tetras are a rather depression-maintenance species. They're likewise quite hardy and tin perform well in a broad range of environments. That said, they do prefer conditions that mimic their natural habitat.

The warm, soft, and slightly acidic waters of South America are best.

  • Size: one.5 inches
  • Difficulty: Beginner

Chili Rasbora

Adjacent up, we have the chili rasbora. This species is considered a nano fish, as it only reaches about 0.7 inches in size. Needless to say, they are the perfect contenders for smaller aquariums.

Mosquito rasbora swimming through a 5 gallon tank

Of course, their small stature doesn't hateful that they don't brand a visual impact. Their intense red coloration most often defines these fish. Black accents throughout the fins and torso create a nice contrast that pops in tanks of whatever size.

Chili rasboras come from blackwater environments. Y'all don't take to go so far as to stain the water pitch black, simply these fish do bask fine-tuned parameters. Some tannin infusion is always welcome. Most importantly, don't forget to monitor conditions to foreclose any significant health problems.

  • Size: inches
  • Difficulty: Beginner

Sparkling Gourami

Sparkling gourami are pretty easy to please when information technology comes to space requirements, as they simply achieve a mere half-inch in size. The small-scale stature of this species lends credence to its mutual name. A popular shoaling species, large swathes of fish create a glimmering display that you won't forget.

Sparkling gourami changing directions in the water

These fish have a lot of colors packed into their pocket-sized torso! Look closely, and y'all'll see polka-dotted fins, stripes or red, and a vivid bluish eye.

You'll take to be patient to run into all that item. Sparkling gourami are quite active, zipping effectually the bars space to get their exercise fish.

When planning a habitat for sparkling gourami, don't forget nearly plants! While these are some of the best fish for 5 gallons tanks, you'll need to plan for continuing water and tons of live vegetation (which can be challenging in a tank of that size).

  • Size: 1.5 inches
  • Difficulty: Beginner

White Deject Mount Minnow

White Cloud Mount minnows are aptly named from where they originate. The species was beginning discovered on White Cloud Mountain in Red china. Since then, they've become one of the most popular fish for 5 gallon tanks (or anyone who is seeking a smaller species).

A White Cloud Mountain minnow searching for food

Natural surface skimmers, White Cloud Mount minnows occupy the upper office of the water cavalcade. They practice best in clear waters with precisely managed conditions. Different nearly fish in the merchandise, this species isn't tropical.

They prefer libation atmospheric condition, making information technology a claiming to create a thriving community. White Cloud Mountain minnows can alive in warm waters temporarily. Simply long-term living will decrease their lifespan.

Create a cool-water habitat filled with plants to see the best results.

  • Size: 1.5 inches
  • Difficulty: Beginner-Intermediate

Molly Fish

Molly fish, or mollies as they are affectionately called, are another community staple. Fish enthusiasts all over the globe revere these simple livebearers.

White molly fish

Small and self-sufficient, mollies are a cakewalk to accept care of. They're undemanding and can breed prolifically with very little intervention on your part.

The best part of owning a molly fish is that it's very adjustable. While they have their preferences, the parameter range is quite wide with this species. They can thrive in everything from barren freshwater environments to lush brackish waters!

Mollies are available in a wide range of colors likewise. They can besides take on a few different fin designs, giving you plenty of aesthetic options.

  • Size: four to 4.5 inches
  • Difficulty: Intermediate

Endler'south Livebearer

At one point in fourth dimension, Endler's livebearers were lumped into the same group as guppies. At confront value, they await very similar! Both take a pint-sized torpedo body and an expansive fin. The two species are as well livebearing.

Endler's livebearer fish for a five gallon tank

But, Endler's livebearers are a unique species in their ain right. Like guppies and mollies, Endler's livebearers come in a myriad of colors. This species is quite vibrant, taking on several patches of neon hues. Many also have transparent patches, creating the illusion of floating color.

This species is endemic to a single torso of water, Laguna De Patos. Thus, they do accept specific parameter requirements to meet. To stay salubrious, Endler's livebearers demand hard water and relatively high pH levels.

  • Size: ane.8 inches
  • Difficulty: Beginner

Dearest Gourami

The love gourami has a like appearance to standard gourami. Their bodies are slim, leading to a point at the supra terminal oral cavity. They fifty-fifty have the thread-like pectoral fins that are iconic for the gourami species.

Male honey gourami inside a clean aquarium

However, the dear gourami has a significantly different colour. This particular species takes on an orange-ruby colour, which is a drastic divergence from the blue hues standard gouramis.

This species is too quite pocket-size, reaching well-nigh two inches long as adults. This makes them another great fish for a 5 gallon tank.

They're peaceful and tin be a bit timid around highly agile fish. As a effect, they do fine in closer quarters effectually others. These fish crave articulate admission to the surface likewise, as they are air-animate labyrinth fish.

  • Size: 2 inches
  • Difficulty: Intermediate-Expert

Cherry-red Badis

Some other nano species, the blood-red badis has no issues living comfortably in a pocket-size aquarium. Adult males reach less than an inch long. Females but make it to virtually half an inch!

A single scarlet badis swimming by itself

Even however, the beauty of the scarlet badis is undeniable. Clad in gold and orangish, these fish stand out in nearly any environment. Small accents of blue brand the fins pop and provide a touch of glimmer as they skitter around the tank.

Keeping scarlet badis in good shape can exist a bit of a handful. They are on the picky side when information technology comes to parameters. Make sure to test the conditions regularly and perform routine water changes to avoid pregnant shifts in pH.

  • Size: 0.8 inches
  • Difficulty: Intermediate

Dwarf Pea Puffer

These adorable footling creatures have get increasingly pop in recent years. Information technology's non difficult to encounter why!

Dwarf pea puffer swimming near the bottom of the tank

The dwarf pea puffer has a dense and stout body. The belly is bright yellowish. However, the top features swirls of green, brown, black, and shimmering gold. Tiny fins and enormous, bulbous eyes make this puffer look like a cartoon graphic symbol!

When nearly call up of puffers, they imagine fist-sized fish. However, the dwarf pea is only about an inch and a half when fully grown (which is why they're commonly kept in 5 gallon aquariums).

Don't look to run into the dwarf pea puffer darting through an aquarium. While they are active and motility around a lot, they aren't the most powerful swimmers. You might see them swimming through vegetation equally they hide.

  • Size: one.five inches
  • Difficulty: Intermediate

Pygmy Corydoras

Many aquarists are familiar with the standard-size corydoras. They're a popular catfish species that many include in community tanks. But did you know that a dwarf variant exists?

Pygmy corydoras resting on some moss

The dwarf corydoras, as well known as the dwarf cory catfish, is a tiny version of the iconic species. It'due south simply about iii-quarters of an inch long. Nonetheless, it retains that signature cory shape.

Yous'll see the nether-turned mouth, the large eyes, and the bulbous torso. Not only are they some of the all-time fish for 5 gallon tanks, they are too quite beautiful when it comes to their colorful design. Streaks of yellow intermingle with splashes of shimmer to create an eye-communicable fish that gleams in the lite.

  • Size: 1 inch
  • Difficulty: Beginner

Angelic Pearl Danio

Angelic pearl danios are a highly sought-after species with some awe-inspiring looks. The main body of the fish is deep blue. Cream-colored patches dot the body, mimicking the look of a starry dark above!

One celestial pearl danio in a five gallon aquarium

The fins are bright red and feature distinct black striping. The unique combination of colors and patterns makes this fish i of the most beautiful around.

Caring for angelic pearl danios is pretty straightforward. But, you have to be careful about the weather. They're native to clean bodies of water filled with rich vegetation.

When parameters are off, angelic pearls are prone to stress and disease. They need correct conditions, plenty of hiding spots, and a expert diet to stay healthy.

  • Size: 1 inch
  • Difficulty: Intermediate

Least Killifish

At only nigh an inch long, least killifish are another species that does well in cramped quarters. They're made to thrive in rougher conditions that other species can't tummy.

One least killifish swimming alone

Least killifish come up from stagnant bodies of h2o and sluggish waterways. You can often find them in coastal lowlands, searching through relatively barren environments to notice food.

This species has adjusted well to a rough life, making it a walk in the park in captivity. They're non fussy when information technology comes to food and can do well in small habitats without missing a trounce.

Sometimes shy and standoffish, least killifish do non like a lot of racket. They prefer to stay in their own lane and mind their business.

  • Size: 1.4 inches
  • Difficulty: Intermediate

Harlequin Rasbora

While not the brightest-colored fish in the world, harlequin rasboras still know how to concenter attention. Their diamond-shaped body is accented with a triangular patch of blackness. Information technology covers the lower half, creating a sharp contrast that draws the eye in an aquarium.

A harlequin rasbora swimming in an aquarium

Harlequin rasboras are hardy community fish. They adapt well to most tropical conditions and can become along with just about any species. These fish prefer peace over aggression, but they tin become targets to larger fish if you lot're not careful.

This species likewise prefers blackwater environments. They relish the perks that come with tannin-filled h2o. The fish also like the privacy that comes with a nighttime cover.

  • Size: ii inches
  • Difficulty: Beginner

Nerite Snail

If you want a critter that will actively go along your tank clean, the nerite snail is well worth your consideration. These tiny snails are lovely and discreet. They often spend their days clinging to surfaces in the tank every bit they grub down on algae.

A small nerite snail on the substrate

Nerite snails are prolific algae eaters. They eat then much of the green stuff that yous normally don't have to feed them any supplementary food. A well-maintained aquarium will provide all the organic nutrient they need.

This capsize measures nearly an inch in diameter (which makes them a no-brainer for 5 gallon tanks). They come in many different colors and varieties. But, most characteristic muted yellow and black shells. You might see some high-dissimilarity patterns like stripes and spots.

  • Size: i inch
  • Difficulty: Beginner

Crimson Shrimp

Here's an always-popular invertebrate in the freshwater aquarium community. Cherry shrimp are in high demand. And so much then that breeders accept a unique grading system to determine a shrimp's value.

Red cherry shrimp looking for food in a five gallon tank

Specimens with more intense ruddy coloration always fetch the highest price. Those shrimp characteristic the almost solid and vibrant coloration. Lower grades may only accept a couple of patches of red against a transparent trunk.

Cherry shrimp don't need a ton of space to stay salubrious. They do, however, require rich vegetation, surfaces to eat algae off of, and pristine water conditions. Like other invertebrates, cherry shrimp are prone to disease and stress when parameters get due south.

  • Size: 1.5 inches
  • Difficulty: Beginner

Malaysian Trumpet Snail

Malaysian trumpet snails are another natural tank cleaner. These critters survive off of algae, plant detritus, and other forms of waste matter. They work difficult to forestall leftover food and droppings from souring tank weather condition (which won't be difficult in a five gallon tank).

Malaysian trumpet snail exploring the substrate

The about exciting matter nigh this capsize species is the shell. Rather than the sizable rounded beat out of almost freshwater snails, Malaysian trumpets have a conical one. Reaching lengths of up to one and a half inches, the cone is a powerful burrowing and navigation tool.

Malaysian trumpet snails have a lot to offer aquariums. Just, they can also get a pest if you're non conscientious. They brood quickly, increasing your snail population in but a short period.

  • Size: 0.5 inches
  • Difficulty: Beginner

Amano Shrimp

Amano shrimp are fun aquatic creatures that are regularly kept in five gallon aquariums. They're a joy to spotter as they scurry around the tank and eat anything edible they tin can get their legs on.

Amano shrimp resting on a rock

This species is quite productive when it comes to algae-eating. A small group tin prevent an aquarium from becoming cloudy or dangerous.

All-time of all, individual shrimp don't need a ton of room. Pocket-size groups can cohabitate merely fine. Larger colonies will start to create bioload bug. Merely if you lot manage to keep numbers contained, they can thrive in smaller habitats.

All they need is some loftier-quality decor and plants. These freshwater aquarium shrimp will eat the plants as they disuse and notice surfaces to scrape algae.

  • Size: 2 inches
  • Difficulty: Beginner

Dwarf Crayfish

Here's an interesting alternative to shrimp or snails. Dwarf crayfish are an splendid add-on to smaller tanks. They look like miniature lobsters, consummate with claws and everything!

An orange dwarf crayfish

However, they are much more manageable. Dwarf crayfish are only two inches or less in size. Plus, they are like tank janitors. They eat all the unfavorable stuff, leaving backside a healthy tank.

When setting up an aquarium for crayfish, it'south essential to provide plenty of decor. Plants, rocks, and driftwood act as hiding places for these creatures. They become quite vulnerable after molting, and so amble hiding spots will make them feel more than comfy.

  • Size: 1.half-dozen to 2 inches
  • Difficulty: Beginner


The best fish for five gallon tanks tin can however bring a groovy deal of enjoyment and fulfilment to you equally an aquarist. These minor species are cute, fun to watch, and rewarding to care for!

If y'all have a skilful species in mind that didn't make the list, experience free to let us know! Nosotros might fifty-fifty add information technology in the future.

Fish for 3.5 Gallon Tank

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