How to Make a French Knitting Doll

It has been a really long time since I did French knitting, and I do still, somewhere, have my French knitting doll. I think it is probably in my rainy day box, I will have to check. The other week YC was asking about how to knit and would I be able to teach her. My answer was no. Not because I didn't want to teach her, but because I have only just learnt to knit myself (her Grandma very kindly taught me). What it did make me think off was French knitting. As I couldn't find my doll I decided to make a DIY french knitting doll from a loo roll and craft sticks.

Make sure you follow my knitting board on Pinterest for more ideas. Don't forget to save the pin for later.

You will need:

  • Loo roll
  • Craft sticks
  • Tape*
  • Wool

*we used washi tape to make it look pretty but normal tape would work just as well.

How to make a DIY French knitting doll

On a normal doll you get 4 prongs, for this DIY French knitting doll I made 6. Start by arranging your craft sticks so that they are evenly spread around the side of your loo roll. I highly recommend that you use a pencil to mark where each stick goes. The sticks I used were quite thick ones, but the thin ones work just as well. All it does is change the size of your stitch.

When you have marked out where the sticks go keep 3 in place and remove the alternate ones. Tape these into place. Next place the other 3 sticks on and tape them down.

How to French Knit

For clearer instructions I would check out this YouTube video.

DIY french knitting doll

To cast on thread the end of the wool through the middle of the loo roll.

DIY french knitting doll

Then start wrapping the wool around the craft sticks. To do that go to the right of the stick (coming from the inside out), go around the front, then cross to the right of the next stick going in an anti clockwise direction. For the casting on you will have to go around the doll twice so that you get two rows of wool. After this casting on you will only have to go around once.

DIY french knitting doll

Secure the end of the wool around your thumb to keep it in place as you make your stitches. Starting at your first craft stick take the lower loop of wool and pull it over the top of the other loop and off the craft stick. When I have done that I always push the remaining loop further down the craft stick. Keep doing that to each stick until you have done all six. After doing them all I pull the piece of wool that is running down the centre of the doll to tighten it.

DIY french knitting doll

This is what a set of completed stitches looks like.

Then repeat going around each craft stick with the wool. Remember you will only have to go around once from now on.

Keep going until you have a length of knitting that you require.

diy french knitting doll

casting off

When you are ready to finish you need to cast off. To do this you should be left with just a single loop around each stick. Take the loop off the first craft stick and place it onto the stick next to it. Pull the lower loop over the one you have just place on. Then repeat taking that loop off the stick and placing it on the next one until you have repeated this for each stick. You should be left with one loop left on the last stick. Gently pull it off, cut the wool, and then secure it by tying a knot.

diy french knitting doll

Hopefully that those instructions aren't too complicated.

diy french knitting doll

A French knitted hair band.

If you are wondering what you can make with your knitting we turned ours into a couple of scarfs for their teddies and a hair band for YC. YC picked up how to French knit very quickly. I also enjoyed knitting while BB was having his nap and when everyone had gone to bed in the evening.

If you enjoyed learning how to French knit then be sure to check out my how to make paper and tape art crafts.

Pin for later:

Instructions on how to make a DIY french knitting doll and how to french knit. Craft for kids.

How to Make a French Knitting Doll


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